Simple Green cares about providing safer cleaning choices, offering a wide variety of cutting-edge cleaning products for home, professional, & industrial use. We're dedicated to producing environmentally-friendly formulas for virtually any cleaning need, and proud of the work we do to meet or exceed all federal health & safety requirements.

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Does Simple Green have USDA approval?

In 1997 the USDA stopped their non-food compound approval process and created a Hazard Assessment and Critical Control Points (HAACCP) program that reviews processes, not products. No Simple Green products currently have pre-1997 USDA approval. Crystal Simple Green Industrial Cleaner & Degreaser has undergone third party review by NSF International to confirm that it meets the new guidelines for non-food compounds. Crystal Simple Green has achieved NSF ratings A1, A2, A4, A8, B1 and C1. Foaming Crystal Simple Green has received an A1, A4, A8 and C1 rating. Simple Green Coil & Condenser Cleaner (both foaming and liquid) have a C1 and K5 rating. Simple Green Safety Towels have A1, A4, A8 and C1 ratings.

All NSF Non Food Compound listings may be viewed, and their current status confirmed at the NSF White Book.