We've all been there: you go to begin a new painting project, only to find paint-chunked rollers from the last project's hasty cleanup. Regular cleaning and care for your paint rollers will save money on replacement rollers.
When cleaning your paint rollers, you should avoid using cleaning solvents such as paint thinner or mineral solvents to clean your roller. Paint thinner is a mixture of volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) formulated to have low flammability and combustibility. Paint thinner also requires protective gear for use, because inhalation of hydrocarbon in the solvent can be dangerous, and even fatal in extreme cases. Breathing airways and lungs are especially vulnerable to paint thinner poisoning.
It's also important to never rinse oil or latex paints onto the ground or into a storm drain, as the untreated water can find its way into waterways after a rain. This harms plants, animals and marine life, and pollutes open waters.
A safer cleaning option for both people and the environment, Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner's biodegradable* formula doesn't use harsh chemicals, and won't leave behind residue that can be absorbed into hands - so gloves and other protective gear aren't necessary.
Simple Green also carries the U.S. EPA Safer Choice label, ensuring that it is effective, while also a safer choice than traditional solvent chemistry. However, due to paint being mixed in with cleaner, disposal of used fluid must always be into a sanitary sewer drain.