Simple Green cares about providing safer cleaning choices, offering a wide variety of cutting-edge cleaning products for home, professional, & industrial use. We're dedicated to producing environmentally-friendly formulas for virtually any cleaning need, and proud of the work we do to meet or exceed all federal health & safety requirements.

Below are the FAQs pertaining to the topic of rinseability. To view all FAQs by catagory, click here.

Does Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner rinse easily?

Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner rinses residue-free and is an exceptional cleaner for paint prep and cleaning. If you are involved in the pharmaceutical, food processing or electronics industry and have concerns regarding even microscopic levels of residue, call 1-800-228-0709 to receive information on Crystal Simple Green Industrial Cleaner & Degreaser and its excellent rinse features. Crystal Simple Green does not contain the added fragrance or color found in Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner.