Simple Green cares about providing safer cleaning choices, offering a wide variety of cutting-edge cleaning products for home, professional, & industrial use. We're dedicated to producing environmentally-friendly formulas for virtually any cleaning need, and proud of the work we do to meet or exceed all federal health & safety requirements.

Below are the FAQs pertaining to the topic of glass. To view all FAQs by catagory, click here.

Can Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner be used on glass?

Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner and Crystal Simple Green Industrial Cleaner & Degreaser should be diluted at 1 part cleaner to 150 parts water to before use on glass, mirrored or reflective surfaces (Tip: add 1 teaspoon of cleaner to a 24 or 32 oz. spray bottle and fill the rest with water). If used too strong, filmy, streaky or hazy marks can result. First, attempt to remove this by wiping down the surface with a clean, non-abrasive cloth and very hot water. If the problem persists, toothpaste will remove stubborn residue.