Your carpet gets quite a bit of foot traffic on any given day, so not just any carpet cleaning product will do the job. From tracked-in mud, dirt and dust, pet stains and odors, spilled food and drinks, Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner can spot-clean carpet stains or even work in a carpet cleaning machine for deep cleaning carpet fibers. Plus, it's non-toxic and biodegradable - safer for your home & family.
- Remove the mess and blot up any liquid from the carpet before you begin cleaning.
- Dampen the stain with clean warm water.
- Spray a solution of 1 oz. Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner and 1 cup water onto the stain.
- Gently rub and blot with a clean damp towel or absorbent cloth.
- Air dry: Allow the area to dry completely before resuming foot traffic.
If you're unsure about how Simple Green will affect a surface, be sure to spot test before cleaning.
- Mix 4 oz. Simple Green per 4 oz. water into your carpet cleaning detergent tank. For carpet cleaning machines without a separate solution tank, mix a 1:10 ratio of Simple Green to water.
- Apply solution onto the carpet in sections, using the carpet cleaning machine according to manufacturer's instructions.
- For tough stains, agitate the affected area by gently brushing or scrubbing the area (a soft nylon brush works best).
- Extract with the carpet cleaner and clean water. If necessary, add a small amount of white vinegar to reduce foaming in the recovery tank
- Air dry: Allow the area to dry completely before resuming foot traffic.