How to Remove Red Wine Stains
How to Remove Red Wine Stains


Wine pairs perfectly with some end-of-the-day relaxation, an elegant dinner or even a long-overdue get-together. But a wine spill on the carpet, or on your white shirt or party dress is anything but relaxing, as wine stains can set notoriously quickly – with red wine stains being a particularly tough customer.

Red wine in particular contains chromogens, the primary substance in many colorful plants that are responsible for dyes. These dyes easily stain fabric, and removing wine stains can be difficult once they've dried. When treating a wine stain, it's important to remember that time is of the essence. Move as quickly as you can to clean it, otherwise you may be left with a spot that's impossible to get rid of, no matter how hard you try.


Fabric & Clothes

When in doubt about a surface, always spot test first.

  1. Protect any layers of fabric or surfaces underneath the stain. Place a cloth or napkin under the stained fabric to prevent it from spreading onto anything else.
  2. Dab the stain with paper towels to absorb as much wine as possible. It's very important that you do not rub the area, as this will push the stain further into the fabric.
  3. Wet the stained area with water and begin blotting. Keeping the stain wet will dilute the wine and cause it to spread out, making it easier to clean.
  4. Apply a dry material to "lift" the wine out. Grab a dry, powdery substance, such as table salt (recommended), baking soda or even cat litter. Cover the entire stain with the substance. Let it sit and soak up the wine for a few minutes before brushing off – do not rub it into the stain.
  5. Apply full strength Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner. Allow the cleaner to soak into the stain for 1-2 minutes. This will allow it to break down what is left of the wine.
  6. Rinse or blot the stained area with a damp towel or absorbent cloth. Again, do not rub. Work from the outer edges of the stain toward the center.
  7. Wash clothing or linens as normal. Be sure to wash in cold water. Hang or air-dry the item if possible.
  8. Check the stain. Only tumble dry or iron if the stain is entirely gone.
  9. Repeat if necessary.

Upholstery & Carpet

When in doubt about a surface, always spot test first.

  1. Dab the stain with paper towels to absorb as much wine as possible. It's very important that you do not rub the area, as this will push the stain further into the fabric.
  2. Wet the stained area with water and begin blotting. Keeping the stain wet will dilute the wine and cause it to spread out, making it easier to clean.
  3. Apply a dry material to "lift" the wine out. Grab a dry, powdery substance, such as table salt (recommended), baking soda or even cat litter. Cover the entire stain with the substance. Let it sit and soak up the wine for a few minutes before brushing off or vacuuming up – do not rub it into the stain.
  4. Apply full strength Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner. Allow the cleaner to soak into the stain for 1-2 minutes. This will allow it to break down what is left of the wine.
  5. Blot the stained area with a damp towel or absorbent cloth. Again, do not rub. Work from the outer edges of the stain toward the center.
  6. Allow the area to air-dry. Keep carpet or upholstery from being used until the affected area is completely dry.
  7. Repeat if necessary.


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