How to Clean & Kennels
How to Clean & Kennels


Outdoor kennels and crates are a magnet for viruses and bacteria that could harm your pet. Regular cleaning of your dog's kennel is a good practice to remove messes and prevent buildup of dirt, hair and grime.

Additionally, a schedule of kennel disinfection is strongly recommended. Harmful bacteria spreads quickly, increasing the risk of infection or illness that can sometimes be fatal. Bacteria reproduces at alarming speeds, doubling in as fast as 20 minutes.

Dogs can be particularly prone to illness such as staph, MRSA and even Parvo if they've had surgery or have recently been sick, as their immune systems can be temporarily weakened. Regular disinfecting treatment with an EPA-registered disinfectant will help keep dangerous bacteria at bay, and eliminate lingering odors.

To prevent buildup of illness-causing bacteria, disinfect your dog's kennel and everything in it monthly if your pet spends time outdoors. If your kennel is used less often, disinfect accordingly.

Keeping your dog's kennel, toys and surrounding area clean can help keep your pet healthy, and spare you costly veterinarian bills. Don't forget the water and food bowls as well, as these are prime spots for bacteria.

Disinfection of animal quarters and kennels:

  • To disinfect pre-cleaned animal quarters and kennels, apply Simple Green Clean Finish Disinfectant Cleaner.
  • Remove all animals and feed from premises. Remove all litter and droppings from floors, walls and surfaces of facilities occupied or traversed by animals.
  • Empty all troughs, racks, and other feeding and watering appliances.
  • Thoroughly clean all surfaces with soap or detergent and rinse with water.
  • Saturate the surfaces with the disinfecting solution for a period of 2 minutes (for Canine Parvovirus.)
  • Ventilate building and other closed spaces. Do not house animals or employ equipment until treatment has been absorbed, set or dried.
  • All treated equipment that will contact feed or drinking water must be rinsed with potable water before reuse.


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