How To Clean Artificial Dog Grass
How To Clean Artificial Dog Grass


There are plenty of benefits to using synthetic turf, including the time, energy and money you'll save on mowing, watering and fertilizing your artificial lawn.

Your artificial grass is made to look good year-round, a place where dogs can do their business without pet owners worrying about burrowing, pesticides or harsh fertilizers you might encounter on natural grass. But how often they require maintenance depends on a number of factors, including your pet habits, the weather, if there are trees or shrubs nearby and more. Dusty areas will require more frequent cleaning than areas with heavy rain seasons, where the weather will make less work of the mess.

While we love our pets, the gross waste they leave behind is anything but lovable! Simply hosing down the area will only spread the smell, and home remedies such as vinegar and water, baking soda or dish soap and water won't address the source of the odors, which can last months unless treated properly. To really get these odors out, you'll want to make sure you're eliminating them, not just covering up the smell (as many products do).

To get these odors out completely, use a cleaning product with enzymes and live bacteria to break down and eliminate the source of the tough odors. Simple Green Outdoor Odor Eliminator uses safe, naturally-occurring bacterial microbes that eliminate odors at the source. The biodegradable* formula is also safer for use around pets and surrounding plants, unlike other household remedies such as lime, which can be dangerous to your dog's health.

When in doubt about a surface, always spot test first.

Directions for cleaning artificial grass:

  1. Remove any solid waste from your yard or outdoor area.
  2. Shake Simple Green Outdoor Odor Eliminator bottle well, and connect sprayer nozzle to your hose.
  3. Generously spray down the stinky area beginning at the far end of the affected surface.
  4. When finished, lightly mist the surface with water, to extend the life of Simple Green’s naturally-derived microorganisms, so they can penetrate more deeply and attack odors at the source.
Bonus tip: For best results, use Simple Green Outdoor Odor Eliminator around sunset to prevent it from drying too quickly. The longer the odor-eating microorganisms stay alive and active, the more smells they will remove.


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