How to Clean an Outdoor Rug
How to Clean an Outdoor Rug


Everyone remembers to wipe down the tables and chairs when they're getting ready to host a backyard party, but the outdoor rug often gets neglected. Over time, things like dirt and mud from shoes, dust, smushed berries and ketchup stains combined with the outdoor elements can make your outdoor living space look not-so-inviting.

Fortunately, indoor outdoor rugs are made to stand up to the elements, dry quickly, resist mold and mildew, resist fading and clean easily. There are two popular varieties of outdoor rugs, and both will last a long time if they're cared for properly. Brightly-colored synthetic rugs are made of Olefin, propylene, acrylic and nylon. These varieties have a way of making you think they're clean when they're wet, but dirt rises to the surface once they've dried. Natural rugs are a strong choice when it comes to texture and durability, but should not be exposed to as much moisture as synthetic rugs. Although outdoor rugs are typically mold and mildew resistant, the dirt and moisture that accumulates on them is where these pesky fungi can grow.

When cleaning an outdoor rug with mildew, dirt, stains and general grime, some common household items that people reach for include dish soap, white vinegar and baking soda. Dish soap and white vinegar might not work hard enough to restore your rug to its original color, while baking soda's fine particles can eventually build up and clog your vacuum cleaner. Club soda is another popular option for absorbing acidic stains like red wine or tomato sauce, but won't help much when it comes to sticky stains or ground-in, greasy messes.

It's easiest to use one cleaner that addresses everything from grease to food stains to mildew smells. Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner is a cleaner, degreaser, deodorizer and stain remover that powers out dirt and grime on washable surfaces.

Deep clean your indoor outdoor rug at the beginning and end of season, and spot clean as soon as you notice a stain. Regular vacuuming is essential to keeping these area rugs in good shape between deep cleanings.

Directions for Cleaning an Outdoor Rug:

If you're unsure about how Simple Green will affect a surface, be sure to spot test before cleaning.

Small Rugs

  1. Remove loose dirt. Shake all of the debris off of your rug outside.
  2. Prepare your Simple Green solution. Mix 2 ounces of Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner with 2 cups of water in an empty spray bottle.
  3. Rinse the rug. It's best to lay the rug on a sloped surface, like outdoor steps, so the excess water can drain away as you're hosing it down. An even better option would be to rinse the rug while it's hanging over a patio chair, fence or railing.
  4. Spray and scrub. Lay the rug flat on your patio, deck, or other hard surface and spray your Simple Green solution on in small sections. Follow up by gently scrubbing with a scrub brush or deck brush. If you're spot cleaning, only focus on the affected area.
  5. Let it sit, and rinse section by section. Let the cleaner sit on each section for about 5 minutes, but be sure it doesn't dry on the surface. Rinse each section after you've scrubbed.
  6. Rinse one more time. Rinse the entire rug one more time, either laying flat or hanging.
  7. Dry. If possible, hang dry your rug outside in the sun. Flip it regularly to ensure each side gets completely dry.

Larger Rugs

  1. Remove loose dirt. Sweep up or vacuum any dirt and debris.
  2. Prepare your Simple Green solution. Mix about 6 ounces of Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner with half a gallon of water in an empty bucket.
  3. Rinse the rug. Either lay your rug flat on a sloped surface, or hang it over a clothesline, fence or railing to rinse it off with a hose.
  4. Spray and scrub. Lay your rug flat on a hard surface. Dip your scrub brush in your Simple Green solution and scrub section by section. If you're spot cleaning, only focus on the affected areas.
  5. Let it sit, and rinse section by section. Let the cleaner sit on each section for about 5 minutes, but be sure it doesn't dry on the surface. Rinse each section after you've scrubbed.
  6. Rinse one more time. Rinse the entire rug one more time, either laying flat or hanging.
  7. Dry. If possible, hang dry your rug outside in the sun. Flip it regularly to ensure each side gets completely dry.

TIP: Store your rug when it's not being used. Before snowy season rolls around, roll your rug up and store it indoors.


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