How to Clean a Composite Deck
How to Clean a Composite Deck


Composite wood is one of the most popular decking materials, due to its beauty and durability. As a bonus, it can require relatively less maintenance than other types of decking materials, but there is no such thing as "maintenance free" when it comes to any outdoor surface.

Like other wood deck varieties, composite decking is quite porous. Composite decks are susceptible to a wide variety of outdoor elements like mold and mildew, black spots, sap, grease, oil, food spills, pet stains, hard water, grass stains, ground-in dirt and rust stains. It's best to use an oxygenated cleaner that will sink deep into the material to clean the lower layers as well as on the surface.

Never use a chlorine bleach based deck cleaner, as it is extremely corrosive and will eventually discolor and damage your deck boards. Plus, it is unsafe to use around plants and in areas frequented by children or pets. If a cleaning product contains Sodium Hypochlorite, it contains bleach.

Simple Green Oxy Solve Deck and Fence Cleaner is ideal for both manual and pressure washing to lift and remove dirt and debris from the deck surface. The fast-acting foaming formula eliminates stains from mold and mildew, tree sap, pollen, oxidation, weathering and other grime. It utilizes the power of peroxide to provide high-performance cleaning without toxic or abrasive chemicals.

To maintain the beauty of your composite deck, sweep or use a leaf blower to blow away dirt and debris at least twice a week. Deep clean using the directions below at least twice a year.


Pressure Washer Application

Make sure you're extra careful when pressure washing.This material is softer than natural wood and therefore can be etched more easily. Once it has been damaged, other issues such as chipping, sun damage and mold staining of the interior plastic can arise. If using a pressure washer, avoid using a maximum pressure setting, as too much force can damage the surface.

  1. Clear deck. Clear the surface of your deck of patio furniture, pots and other items and sweep thoroughly. Then hose down the surface of your deck.
  2. Prepare pressure washer. Drop your pressure washer's siphon tube into your Simple Green Oxy Solve container, or pour into the on-board "soap reservoir".
  3. Apply Simple Green Oxy Solve cleaning solution. At the lowest pressure setting, apply Simple Green Oxy Solve to an area that is small enough to be rinsed before it dries.
  4. Let it sit. Allow the cleaner to dwell on the surface for 3-5 minutes but do not let it dry. Re-wet the area as necessary.
  5. Rinse. Rinse at high pressure, keeping the nozzle at least 2 feet from the surface and the spray perpendicular to the surface.
  6. Air dry. Allow the deck to dry.

Manual Application

  1. Clear deck. Clear the surface of your deck and sweep thoroughly. Then hose down the surface of your deck.
  2. Create your Simple Green solution. Mix 1 measure of Simple Green Oxy Solve with 20 measures of water in a bucket (example: 1.5 cups of Simple Green and 2 gallons of water).
  3. Apply solution. Clean in sections with a soft bristle brush. Do not allow cleaner to dry on the surface before rinsing. Re-wet the area as necessary.
  4. Rinse. Rinse with a garden hose at high pressure.
  5. Repeat. Move to a new section and repeat until the entire deck is cleaned.
  6. Air dry. Allow the deck to dry.

TIP: After cleaning, rinse all lawns, plants, shrubs and trees contacted by the cleaner and flush equipment with water before storage.


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