How to Clean Rubber Stamps
How to Clean Rubber Stamps


Rubber stamping is the process of using a variety of ink pads, paints and other mediums to transfer an image onto a wide range of surfaces and objects. You can use rubber stamps to make greeting cards and wrapping paper, and to enhance scrapbooking projects.

Cleaning your rubber stamps regularly is essential if you want your images to look as detailed as possible each time you use them. If you neglect to clean the stamps after each use, you may find that unwanted ink transfers to your next project, which will cause the colors to look muddy and the detail to disappear. In addition, since you have invested in your stamps, it's important to keep them in good shape so you're able to make use of them for as long as possible.

Avoid using any cleaning products that include alcohol, which can cause the rubber surface to dry out and permanently damage your stamps. Baby wipes are effective for quickly cleaning the surface of the stamp between colors during a project, but the aloe vera ingredient in many varieties of wipes can cause the stamps to become pale, dry and brittle over time.

Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner is biodegradable* formula that provides guaranteed bleach free, alcohol free, and ammonia free cleaning, degreasing and deodorizing power. It is also clean rinsing, making it safer to use on art and craft supplies that you or even your children use frequently.

Be sure to check your stamp manufacturer's information for any special cleaning instructions. As much as you clean and care for your stamps, there will be some permanent staining over time, as some inks will be more difficult to completely remove. As long as you can be sure your stamps have been properly cleaned, this type staining is harmless and should not hinder your projects.


  1. Remove ink. Press the stamp onto scrap paper to remove excess ink.
  2. Mix your Simple Green solution. Mix 1 oz. of Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner with 1 cup of water in an empty spray bottle.
  3. Clean. Spray onto a clean paper towel and wipe away ink. Do not submerge wood mounted stamps in water or in your cleaning solution, as this will soften the wood and weaken the adhesive. To remove stubborn ink, spray your Simple Green straight onto the rubber and brush with an old toothbrush before quickly rinsing the stamp under running water.
  4. Dry. Be sure to let the stamps air dry completely before storing them.


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