Simple Green cares about providing safer cleaning choices, offering a wide variety of cutting-edge cleaning products for home, professional, & industrial use. We're dedicated to producing environmentally-friendly formulas for virtually any cleaning need, and proud of the work we do to meet or exceed all federal health & safety requirements.

Below are the FAQs pertaining to the topic of voc. To view all FAQs by catagory, click here.

Do Simple Green products contain VOCs?

The VOC content for all Simple Green products is given on the Safety Data Sheet in the "Physical & Chemical Properties" section. All Simple Green products comply with state and federal VOC regulations.

What is a VOC?

VOC stands for Volatile Organic Compound. These are chemicals that will evaporate at low temperatures and, by a photochemical reaction, will cause atmospheric oxygen to be converted into ozone which creates hazardous air pollution.

There are federal and state requirements that reduce VOC emissions.
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