Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
What is Personal Protective Equipment?
Personal Protective Equipment, commonly referred to as PPE, is anything worn or utilized to minimize exposure to hazardous substances by putting a barrier between the hazard and critical body parts, such as your skin, eyes, nose, and mouth. Some examples of PPE are googles, gloves, gowns, and masks.
Who should wear PPE?
As a best practice, anyone handling any chemical, no matter how safe the chemical may be, should wear some form of PPE. Additionally, any personnel entering an area that requires PPE should protect themselves accordingly.
Is PPE Required?
To know if PPE is required in a facility, check not only with the local, state, and federal regulations, but also the regulations and safety guidelines of that facility.
All personnel should always wear PPE in a facility that uses chemicals, even if those chemicals have been thoroughly tested and deemed safe for humans and animals. Remember, even though a chemical may be safe, the residue and splash back that can occur by using the chemical can create a hazardous environment.