Simple Green cares about providing safer cleaning choices, offering a wide variety of cutting-edge cleaning products for home, professional, & industrial use. We're dedicated to producing environmentally-friendly formulas for virtually any cleaning need, and proud of the work we do to meet or exceed all federal health & safety requirements.

Below are the FAQs pertaining to the topic of defoamers. To view all FAQs by catagory, click here.

Is Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner a foaming cleaner?

Foaming is a built-in feature of Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner, which actually enhances the cleaning process. There are certain applications, however, where defoamers may need to be added to Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner in order to inhibit excessive foaming (for example, equipment with enclosed, high-pressure systems such as spray cabinets & carpet cleaning). For more information please call the Simple Green Technical Department at 800-228-0709.

A word of caution: when adding foreign material into Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner, be aware that biodegradability, toxicity and disposal issues need to be addressed by the additive manufacturer.